Wednesday, December 16, 2015

1250 points of Renegades, Daemons, and Cypher VS Astra Militarum

General Baites challenged me to a game last week. I happily obliged. This is the first game I've had in about half a year that didn't include a whiteboard, so I was a bit nervous.

The armies:
R&H, Daemons, and Cyper:
Purge detachment. (No required troops, instead I'm required 2 elites)
Renegade command squad 45
Ordnance tyrant 30 (allows me to have field artillery as non-required troops)
Autocannon team 10
85 for unit
Disciples 35
Autocannon team 10
45X2=90 for two units
2 units of 3 field artillery batteries each with a heavy quad mortar (thudd gun) and 3 crewmen
Renegade support squads 25
Autocannon upgrades on each team 30(10 each)
Militia traing (upgrades BS to 3) 10
65X2=130 for 2 units of 3 weapons teams

Herald or Tzeentch: 45
Mastery level 3 50
Disc of Tzeentch 25
2X115=230 for two of the same Heralds
Nurglings 45

Cypher's Formation:
Cypher 190
Chosen 90
X4 melta guns 40
Combi-Melta gun on champion 10
2X140=280 for 2 units of 5 marines

Asrra Militarum:
Now, i don't exactly remember what he had and he didn't write it down, so please bear with me.
Company command squad in a chimera
3 commissars
2 platoons wity the following:
Platoon command squad in a chimera
2 units of regular guardsmen
In separate units there were 3 units of 3 heavy weapons teams. 2 units had heavy bolters and the other unit had mortars.
Heavy support:
1 manticore

We rolled to be playing the maelstrom mission: contact lost and objectives were placed with two in my deployment, one in his and the other three scatrered in the midfield. Night fighting was in place.
I won the roll off to go first and I chose to deploy first.
Artillery squads were deployed in corners behind what cover existed. The Autocannon support units were placed on the inward side of the artillery and desciple teams were scattered around as well.
For his deployment, he set up a line of chimeras. His company command Chimera was directly in front of the manticore (side armor facing me) and his infantry blobs were behind the chimeras with heavy weapons teams bubble wrapped by the basic infantry.
Cypher and both chosen squads went into reserves and the Nurglings took an objective in the midfield.
Renegades turn 1:
Everything stayed put except the heralds of Tzeentch. They moved up to center field and attempted to summon stuff in the psychic phase. One succeeded in bringing out some horrors but that was it.
Shooting phase: my first unit of Autocannons fired at the company command Chimera and popped it. The other unit tried to take out the manticore, only took one hull point off BUT managed to shake the crew so it wouldn't fire on me next turn. My Desciples plinked a hull point off of one of the platoon command chimeras, but nothing else.
Now the thudd guns:
The first cannkn dropped its template over one of the heavy weapons teams unit. When the dust settled and all 3 guns had shot, half of Baites' army was gone. An entire weapons unit, an infantry unit and the platoon command chimera took a couple hull points.
He looked up to me and extended a hand with a "good game, I lose."
I felt bad that he didn't even get to move his models or even have a turn, but he explained his position: that at best, if the manticore hadn't been shaken that it would've only been able to take out maybe one unit of my artillery, which left another one, which hadn't even shot at this point. But my artillery wasn't his only concern, he also had daemons spawning and breathing down his neck and a possible Cypher attack the next turn which would definitely take out the manticore leaving him with one Chimera and a handful of guardsmen against pretty much an entire army that would just keep getting bigger.

One of the big reasons I accepted his request to play, ither than just to play, was to prove myself to myself. For months, I have been scared to play against Crispy Crusader for fear of continuing my losing streak to him. I told myself i would play against Baites to see if I had really grown. He assures me that I have.

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